Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blogs, Weekend Craziness

Alas, not a philosophical post. Unless you hate philosophical posts. Just items of interest.

I have added two new blogs to my Google Reader, MissCouturable and LyonsLiterary. One is fashion-writing and the other wriitng. Fashion and writing and friends pretty much sum up my Reader.

Driver's Ed looms again. Let us hope I am better with time management and don't stay up till midnight doing homework and getting sick thereafter.

That extra credit test grade I talked about? I kinda-sorta need to write it this week. ACK and there's still a submission I have to send out now. WHERE IS MY TIME?

BOOKS I HAVE READ THIS WEEKEND Bet on Me by Jennifer Crusie, A Time to Kill by John Grisham, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart.

BOOKS I AM READING Chanel: A life by somebody and Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson. Or Jackson.

BOOKS I MUST READ: Agatha Christie, the biography, along with Christietown by Susan Kandel.

1 comment:

Madeline said...

I love how you innocently proclaim "Where has my time gone?" quickly followed by "the books i've read this weekend." lol, you crack me up.