Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gabrielle Gets Sick

I'm thinking I need to start a series of picture books, Gabrielle Gets Irritable, Gabrielle Feels Yucky in First Period, Gabrielle Goes to the Nurse, Gabrielle Goes Home...

Although I did NOT fake feeling ill (I came home and slept for two and a half hours) it did get me out of an AP Chem test that I'm (still) not prepared for. Eek. But I've enjoyed my first Jennifer Crusie novel (Getting Rid of Bradley) a lot; she's a plot/dialogue/description genius. AKA Amazing Writer.

I haven't done any pondiferous posts in a while, one will be coming up shortly. My only (okay, one of many) complaint (s) at the moment is that I have to take the SAT again and improve my 1390. The math kind of stunk. And I hate that I (my parents) have to pay College Board another forty bucks. Yucky.

I've been looking at colleges, though, and here are a few on my list:

1 comment:

Katie Beth said...

Eh, can't root for Duke (big State fan here), but if you end up going there, come stay with me sometimes. :-)